You can get an insurance policy that includes breakdown cover. There are very few professions that rely on their vehicles as much as taxi drivers, who don’t get paid unless they get on the road. Having a vehicle in the shop means no income. That is why many drivers chose to add breakdown cover to their insurance policy.
What would you do if you had six passengers outside of town and your taxi stalled? That situation is something you would not have to worry about if you had breakdown cover. There are insurance policies that guarantee someone would pick up and drop off your passengers in the event of a breakdown. It is just one less thing for you to have to worry about.
Most major insurance companies offer breakdown cover. The key is to find the policy that is right for you. It will cost you an additional premium. Some insurance companies base the cost of breakdown cover on the age of you vehicle. The older it is, the more you will pay, but it will be well worth the price if you ever find yourself in need of a roadside assistance. Chances are, it will cost you more to arrange your own recovery.
You are protected 24 hours a day, 365 days a year throughout the UK. And getting the help you need is just a phone call away. We will come out to you.
Breakdown coverage options
There are a lot of options when it comes to breakdown cover. Some plans are more comprehensive and include services such as home start cover. In the event your vehicle will not start, and is located at the address where it is registered, help will be sent out to get you going. Other services include accident support, which assists you every step of the way during a breakdown or accident, from recovery through repair.
While breakdown coverage is not required, it is recommended. Your vehicle is your business. Many drivers feel it is a good idea to keep it protected and to get it back on the road as soon as possible. When an unexpected breakdown happens, with breakdown coverage you can rest assured it will be taken care of promptly.